May 16, 1984
Dr. Richard F. Fenno Jr.
Department of Political Science
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York 14627
Dear Dr. Fenno:
As you observed recently, one of the traditions of the National Academy of Sciences has been to devote a portion of the Presentation Ceremony at the Annual Meeting to the introduction of members who were elected the previous year and to ask them to sign the Academy Register.
With this letter I enclose two copies of the photograph taken as you were “signed in.” We regret that our arrangements with the photographer preclude our providing additional copies. The photograph, of course, is not copyrighted, and you are free to have additional copies made by whatever means seem most appropriate.
The following is the citation Frank Press read during the ceremony. I thought perhaps you might like to have it for your NAS file:
The outstanding analyst of the United States Congress, his empirically based theory of political action within institutional constraints has helped us comprehend the legislative behavior of Congress and similar bodies.
I look forward to seeing you at Annual Meetings in the future.
Sincerely Yours,
Bryce Crawford, Jr.
Home Secretary